My 1969 Airstream Tradewind
In late September of 2005 I bought an Airstream trailer, a 1969 Tradewind Deluxe LY, 25ft with rear bath, curb side double bed and front goucho.
1969 Airstream Tradewind

1969 Airstream Tradewind Deluxe DY - Long long ago and far far away
It was a hard decision to make but my plans changed and it didn't look like I'd be able to finish rebuilding this Airstream and I decided to pass it on to someone who can give it the attention it deserves.
See For Sale - 1969 Airstream Tradewind for some pictures and a description.
Airstreamlife magazine presents Alumapalooza 2012!
Alumapalooza is the official annual event held at the AIRSTREAM factory in Jackson Center, Ohio! Produced with the support of AIRSTREAM, Airstream Life magazine, and other sponsors, it will be held May 29th – June 3rd, 2012.
Pursuing an interest in Airstream trailers
My interest in Airstream trailers, and campers in general, goes back many years but it's an interest I did not begin to actively pursue until some time in 2004. In fact I had never been inside an Airstream until my trip to the Harrisburg show with my buddy Jane in 2004. That trip reinforced my interest and I started keeping a look out for a likely candidate to play with.
The search
Eventually I spotted a trailer on an independent RV dealer's lot, '75 Tradewind. I took a look. It seemed in pretty decent shape to my then untrained eye but I passed it as too much money to just play around with and I didn't really like the interior styling. Soon after I passed on it it sold and was moved to the back of the lot.
A couple weeks later another Tradewind showed up on the same lot (as did the first one again, this time with a slightly lower price). This second one, a '69 Tradewind, looked better to me. The interior was in nice shape, it was the last of the earlier body style, and it appealed to me more than the styling of the trailers built in the '70s. It had a classic case of Rear End Separation and the price reflected that. I bought it right then & there. A good thing too; other buyers lined up for it before I could even get it off the lot.
So just what IS Rear End Separation anyway? Ha - you probably don't want to know!
A plan to convert the Tradewind to a mobile studio
I'm thinking of converting the Tradewind to a mobile crafts studio. I'm an aspiring leather artisan and think it might be nice to carry my studio about with me. I might even use it as my studio here at home. Ideas and sketches are accumulating here.
My 1969 Airstream Tradewind - Table of Contents
- Airstream Trailer Information
- I'm using this page as a place to collect bits of information I think might prove useful in the renovation and use of my 1969 Airstream Tradewind.
- Alternative Heating Systems
- As an alternative to the standard furnace in my '69 Tradewind I'm thinking of using the propane fired hot water heater to build a hydronic heating system.
- Departure Checklist
- This is a list of things to check while breaking camp, before every departure with the Airstream.
- For Sale - 1969 Airstream Tradewind
- I put this page up to offer my 1969 Airstream Tradewind Travel Trailer for sale. Now that it is sold I'll leave the page up for whatever information value it might have for you and others.
- For Sale - Page 2 - Interior Views
- I put this page up to offer my 1969 Airstream Tradewind Travel Trailer for sale. Now that it is sold I'll leave the page up for whatever information value it might have for you and others.
- How to Seal Leaks
- Yes, Airstreams can leak. All motor homes and travel trailers can and probably will leak as they age. Here's a bit of information I've gathered as I begin trying to understand where and why Airstreams leak and what to do about it.
- Images of My 1969 Tradewind
- Here are some images of my 1969 Airstream Tradewind taken after I removed the rear bath to evaluate the rear end sag in preparation to repair the sag and replace the floor in the bath area.
- Maintenance and Repair Resources
- Here I've gathered some sources of information and replacement parts.
- On Campers and Camping
- Here I've collected a few references on campers, camping, and places to camp.
- Propane Safety
- Propane is widely used in the recreational vehicle world. I've gathered here some basic information about propane how to use it safely.
- Rear End Separation
- Ah, yes, REAR END SEPARATION. Once I got this old Airstream Tradewind trailer in the yard I started looking around. Hooo boy, this ain't gonna be fun. This poor puppy has a case of rear end separation and has it BAD.
- Renovation Journal
- Here I'll be keeping a journal of my restoration, repair, and maintenance efforts on my 1969 Airstream Tradewind arranged by topic and sub-topic.
- Use as a Crafts Studio
- I have a plan to use my 1969 Airstream Tradewind as a combined mobile living and studio space to take on the road to adventure.
- Visit to Harrisburg RV Show 2004
- My friend Jane & I went down to the 2004 Harrisburg RV show on September 10th, 11th and 12th to have a look about. Here are a few observations on the show