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Saturday, December 26, 2009 - Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu NM

A Ghost Ranch Christmas, Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu NM, December 25, 2009
A Ghost Ranch Christmas, Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu NM, December 25, 2009

Ten below zero is cold for this old rig. When I opened the door and took a reading with my infrared thermometer this morning here at Ghost Ranch, that's what it read. My 3,000 watts of electric heat is barely adequate and would only hold the rig to about 60 degrees inside. That translates to a drafty 45 degrees down at floor level. Brrrrr...

Enjoy yesterday's picture - I skipped my pre-sunrise photo walk this morning.

[later] Interesting. By 10:30 or so the bright sunshine warmed the rig to the point I had to turn the electric heaters off. Around noon, thinking surely it was warm enough to go off for a hike, I took a temp reading outside the door. Amazingly, it was still only 10 degrees. Isn't solar insolation a wonderful thing?

Night camp

Ghost Ranch Campground, Abiquiu NM

Words Get in the Way

Research shows that language suppresses visual memory, This is called verbal overshadowing and is a well-established phenomenon .... For example, in one study people watched a short videotape of a bank robbery, then spent twenty minutes doing something unrelated. Then one group spent five minutes writing down everything they could remember about the bank robber's face, while the other group did an unrelated task.
