SEARCH Travels With LD

Saturday, April 9, 2011 - Zion National Park, Springdale UT

Five pm at South Campground, Zion National Park, April 9, 2011
Five pm at South Campground, Zion National Park, April 9, 2011

Just in time

Just in time the Feds agreed on a budget late last night and Zion is open. But nearly everybody left the campground yesterday and today. It's about 5 pm and this campground is usually filled by now. Not today. Question: so was it the atrocious weather or the threat of a shutdown that sent them packing? Anyway, I'm pleased not to have to travel up the hill over the weekend before the storm clears.

Just in time I shot the above picture not 5 minutes before a blustery snow squall blew through - complete with thunder and lightning. It had partly cleared earlier and it was nice to see the mountains again. Not nice enough to get me out with the camera though. Darn.

Night camp

Site 112 - South Campground, Zion National Park, Springdale UT

Observational Learning

[Learning by watching] is called observational learning. When it comes to evolutionary fears, as well as to many other areas of learning, animals and people learn by watching what other animals or people do, not by doing something themselves and learning from the consequences. I have the impression this lesson hasn't quite been absorbed by most educators. You read that hands-on learning is best, but that may not always be so. Obviously evolution has selected for strong observational learning in animals and in humans.
