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Is language my second language: an observation

I've long held that, as I like to put it, language is my second language; meaning basically that the use of language doesn't come naturally to me; I don't really think in words. Not quite on the order of Temple Grandin's "thinking in pictures," but trending that way. I think visually. Only later, and only when needed, do thoughts get translated into words. Learning to do this has been a major burden in my life. Today it dawned on me that while redesigning this site I've been focussed on the visual design and the mechanics behind it and as I move toward populating the site with words, I continue to get waylaid by visual issues. I'm having trouble getting to words if there is visual clutter on the page. Forcing myself to translate my thoughts into words is a real challenge. There is much to be learned that should prove useful in real world settings.

posted February 25, 2006