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How I Brew My Coffee

I added this to my coffee page :

Outline of my brewing method.

Krups Coffina grinder

1. Grind fresh in my old 1970s era Krups "Coffina" type 223 grinder set as coarse as possible.

This futuristic grinder is incorporated into the "Back to the Future" Deloreon as part of the "Mr Fusion" reactor on the car and is becoming a collectors item.

I rescued this old grinder from a customer's trash (thanks A. ;-) and have been using it for several years now. A month or so ago it seized up and I diassembled it to see if I could get it going again. No problem! In typical German fashion for the time, it's designed to be periodically lubricated. Good grief - there must have been a BMW motorcycle engineer on staff! A good cleaning and a little grease on the motor bearings have it working better than ever. In the process I ended up setting the burrs to run at a coarser setting which greatly improved the brewing results - coarse is good for French Press brewing.

2. Brew in my Nissan French Press, an insulated stainless model which will keep the coffee hot a couple of hours. If the plunger on your French Press is hard to push - the grind is too fine. Coarsen up.

posted March 7, 2005