SEARCH Testing Ground

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I stumbled on Writing vs. Writing, a piece Shawn Blanc wrote on his blog and it resonated with me. He was talking about writing vs Writing - the get-it-down garden variety writing vs. a more ambitious Pulitzer-striving Writing and how his desire for perfection can get in the way of getting words down.

I've been thinking about writing. Getting my site in order. Researching writing tools. Setting up ways to sync my words across platforms. Thinking about wanting to write but not writing.

It's been nagging at me - this not writing thing. Why am I not writing? What do I want to say? Why am I obsessing on tools and not picking up a pencil and having at it?

Blanc says:

It’s suicide to stop before I start just because I’m not feeling it. I’ve got to settle the fact that sometimes it’s just plain writing and get over it already. Because wanting to write is not the same as writing.

And thinking about writing is not the same as writing.

Reading about writing is not the same as writing.

Tweeting about writing is not the same as writing.

Having a conversation about writing is not the same as writing.

Some of these help me grow into a better writer, but how often are they really just ways of procrastinating that don’t ever produce something written? If I’m not sitting here writing then I’m not writing.

If I’m not sitting here writing, I’m not writing.

Bingo! Well, at least he got me to sit here a few minutes - why can't I get me to sit here a few minutes?

Testing Markdown...

What did I just see?

Dateline August 2, 2010 - The Long Lot along Indian Brook, Clark Road, Red Rock.

  1. It's 7:50 am, I'm sitting at the table sipping coffee and reading the latest Maine Antiques Digest when I hear a single bird squawk. I've gotten in the habit of reacting to such sounds and my reaction to this one was to turn my head to the window. Where I saw a large bird come into view as it passed over the RV and turn aft down the stream I am parked along. I'm craning my neck and turning in my seat trying to keep the bird in sight. We don't see birds that big that close that often here. I think it was a Great Blue Heron. Hot on it's tail, maybe 20ft back was a bird of at least equal size. Hawk like. Not a heron.

  2. Running to the rear to see what I might see out the back window all I saw was one bird flying low down the field. No second bird. I'm guessing the first bird continued down the tree overhung stream and the second peeled off down the field.

  3. So what did I just see? I think I saw an eagle hunting a heron.

Oh yes, I'm reminded of the remains of a dead Great Blue Heron found improbably lying up against the barn door not 50 feet from here a couple weeks ago.

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