SEARCH Travels With LD

Sunday, April 24, 2011 - Jacob's Chair Trailhead, Fry Canyon UT

White Canyon, Fry Canyon UT, April 22, 2011
White Canyon, Fry Canyon UT, April 22, 2011

Continuing overcast and showers

It rained a little overnight. Inexperience with the weather and the threat of flash floods here make me think it prudent to continue to delay any more hikes in the canyon until the skies clear. The high water mark in the canyon is surprisingly high and in some areas it could be hard to get above it in a hurry. There's a lot of neat stuff to explore down there - maybe tomorrow...

Night camp

Boondocked - Trailhead to Jacob's Chair, Fry Canyon UT

Walking the edge, I am. ...

... On some days breathing, eating and not folding into a ball in a corner is all I can manage. I had a few of those days in the past three weeks. It reminds me, in ways I do not like to be reminded, just how damaged I really am.

Like a character from the television show "Cheers" once said, "It's a dog eat dog world out there - and I'm wearing milkbone underwear."
