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Comparing the PT-1845 to the PT-1445

Picture from the Power-Trac web site in 2003 showing off a lineup of the 1460, 1445, 1430 and 425
Picture from the Power-Trac web site in 2003 showing off a lineup of the 1460, 1445, 1430 and 425

After the Fire

After the fire in the engine compartment of my Power-Trac PT-1845 I debated whether to replace the PT-1845 with another model. This page is a collection of information I gathered to help me decide which way to go. In the end I decided the PT-1845 was the right model for my needs and that I could rebuild the tractor.

PT1845 vs PT1445

I had this conversation with Terry Estep of Power-Trac on May 29, 2003. I paraphrase here:

Will a 1445 climb and mow a 30 degree slope? It's not a slope mower and will be more top heavy than the 1845 but yes it will mow and climb 30 degrees just fine.

Does the 1445 use the same wheel motors as the 1845 - does it have plenty of torque? The 1445 wheel motors are much heavier and there is plenty of torque. It's slower though - the 1845 really moves!

I assume the wheelbase is longer on the 1445 and the turning radius is greater, right? Right.

And the 1445 weighs more - is the extra weight on the front? Not all of it - the back section is longer and heavier too.

Can the 1445 (T18) quick attach be modified to accept 1845 (T12) attachments? I can't say that it can. But a clever guy.... the flows and everything are adequate.

Is the quick attach just heavier or is it bigger too? It's wider and a different shape - designed to only receive its own catagory T18 attachments. We've had guys put an 18 cu ft bucket on a 425 and you just can't do that. So now each catagory has its own plate.

Exchanging the 10-16.5 Loader tires (91 inch rolling circle) on the 1445 for 33x12.50-15NHS(TL) Flo-Trac Lug (a bar tire with 100 inch rolling circle) (Titan catalog number 41G3H1) would increase ground speed by about 10%. It would also increase ground clearance (a plus), raise center of gravity (a minus), increase overall width to 62 inches (a plus for stability - a minus for maneuverability)(Power-Trac PT-1845 Articulated Tractor with bar tires is 58 inches wide). These would fit the 15 x 10 rims the optional bar tires use. See tractor tire specs chart below.

As an expedient while getting a 1445 to 1845 adapter fabricated, it may be possible to put the 1845 male quick attach plate on the 1445, with bushings to adjust pin size if needed, assuming the center to center distance between lift arms is the same. Or maybe put the whole 1845 lift arm assembly on, again assuming the distance between arms is the same. See Attachments for 1845 quick attach dimensions.

Table - Spec Comparison - extracted from 2003 Power-Trac web site 5/03 (an attempt will be made to correct several errors and contradictions on PowerTrac's web site with obviously questionable info in [bold brackets] and verified info in bold italics).

Spec ComparisonPT-1445PT-1845PT-1850PT-1460
Engine45 HP45 HP65 HP60 HP
Weight3920 lb3315 lb Single
3463 lb Dual
3848 lb Dual5620 lb
Speed10 mph[8 mph][8 mph]10 mph
Tires10:00 x 16.5 6-ply LoaderDual 23-8:50x12 4 ply BarDual 26-12:00x12 4 ply Bar12:00x16.5 8 ply Loader
Optional Tires[31-15:50x15 4-ply Turf] *Single 26-12:00x12
4 ply Bar
(as received, but no longer offered - jhc)
 [31-15:50x15 4 ply Turf] *
Tractor Width56" Single
64" Optional
69" Dual
58" Single
(jhc measured)
84" Dual59" Single
66" Optional
Length 136"146" 
PTO15 GPM @ 3,000 psi15 GPM @ 3,000 psi18 GPM @ 3,200 psi18 GPM @ 3,000 psi
Fuel Tank capacity12 Gallon12 Gallon12 Gallon12 Gallon
Hydraulic Oil Tank20 Gallon 10W4020 Gallon 10W4020 Gallon 10W4020 Gallon 5W30
Lift Capacity1,800 lbs1,200 lbs1,200 lbs2,400 lbs
Lift Height7 ft6 ft6 ft8 ft
Inside Turning Radius[53"]59"66"70"
Outside Turning Radius114"113"134"132"
Wheel Base74"71"
(jhc measured)
Ground Clearance10"  12"
Lights36 Watt; 2 front; 1 rear  36 Watt; 2 front; 1 rear
ROPSStandardMeet SAE specsMeet SAE specsStandard
Frame1/4" to 3/4" Steel Plate1/4" to 3/4" Steel Plate1/4" to 3/4" Steel Plate3/8 to 1" Steel Plate
BrakesWet Disc
Spring Applied Hydraulic Release
  Wet Disc
Spring Applied Hydraulic Release
Maximum Slope 40 degrees45 degrees 
Quick Attach PlateT18 / $200T12 / $150T12 / $150T24 / $250

* No such size that I can find - I think they mean 31x13.50-15, (which has an inadequate Max Load rating). I stand corrected - as pointed out by Bob Schafer (Bob999) on TBN, Goodyear does make this size. See below for a Standard vs Optional comparison chart.

Tire specs for Standard and Optional tires offered by PowerTrac on their 1400 and 1800 series tractors. See spec comparison chart above.

(From the Titan Store)

PT1445Loader / Optional TurfOA WidthOA DiaRolling CircleMax Load
Standard10-16.5 NHS(TL) Titan Trac Loader 6 ply10.430.8913500
Optional*31x13.50-15NHS(TL) Titan Multi Trac C/S 4 ply13.931.5921650**
PT1845Dual Bar / Optional Single BarOA WidthOA DiaRolling CircleMax Load
Standard23x8.50-12NHS(TL) Titan Tru Power 4 ply8.222.4661115
Optional26x12.00-12NHS(TL) Titan Tru Power 4 ply***12.325.6761780
PT1850Dual BarOA WidthOA DiaRolling CircleMax Load
Standard26x12.00-12NHS(TL) Titan Tru Power 4 ply12.325.6761780
PT1460Optional TurfOA WidthOA DiaRolling CircleMax Load
Standard12-16.5 NHS(TL) Titan Trac Loader 8 ply12.233.4984220
Optional31x13.50-15NHS(TL) Titan Multi Trac C/S 4 ply13.931.5921650*

*Power-Trac lists their optional tire as 31x15.50-15 Turf 4-ply - Titan doesn't offer this size but as pointed out by Bob Schafer (Bob999) on TBN, Goodyear does. Here's their spec:

Note: Since this chart was assembled Goodyear has sold its farm tire business in the United States and Canada to Titan Tire Corporation. For information on Goodyear branded farm tires in the United States and Canada, please click the link below.

PT1445Loader / Optional TurfOA WidthOA DiaRolling CircleMax Load
Optional*31x15.50-15NHS(TL) SOFTRAC 4 ply15.231.289.41710**

**This seems inadequate - Titan also makes these Turfs in 8 and 10 ply with a highter Max Load Rating

 Available TurfOA WidthOA DiaRolling CircleMax Load
Available31x13.50-15NHS(TL) Titan Multi Trac C/S 8 ply13.931.5922600
Available31x13.50-15NHS(TL) Titan Multi Trac C/S 10 ply13.931.5923080

Some more possibilities

 Turf / BarOA WidthOA DiaRolling CircleMax Load
Available36x13.50-15NHS(TL) Titan Multi Trac C/S 4 ply15361062600
Available33x12.50-15NHS(TL) Titan Flo Trac Lug 8 ply12.833.31003300

***Some other suppliers of 26x12.00-12 tires

BrandTreadOA WidthOA DiaRolling CircleMax Load
GalaxySuper Trencher I-3 bar 8 ply12.325.711.7 SLR (73.5)3020